Category: Publications
Towards a new face: A reassessment of essentials of the Umuada group of the Igbo race
A coup d’oeil journey from the lens of rebirth starting at the beginning of the point of overturn, with the possibility of general and panoramic view of the Igbo history up to now has been a cry through the vista
Read MoreA philosophical reflection on the Hausa language dictum: Allah hada kwa da rabonsa: let god join you with your portion or share or destiny.
A critical look from the vantage point of human history something is so evident and that is the fact that God cannot come down from heaven to join you with your portion. You have to reach out and possess your
Read MoreThe immanency of the kola nut: reconnaissance into its inherency in Igbo belief system
In every race or nation there is that substance which makes them unique from every other group; something that subsist, that which when seen what comes to mind is this group and in its absence one begins to imagine or
Read MoreThe thanatology of the sacred: a heart rending situation of the state of things
“God has become intellectually superfluous, morally intolerable, psychologically dispensable, politically ineffective and philosophically impotent.
Read MoreThe nuts and bolts of atheism: a sagacious scrutiny cum critique into its notoriety, oddity and nihility.
A cursory x-ray from a historical perspective on the vast array of philosophical systems, portray that every epoch in philosophy talk about God.
Read MoreA culture and tradition bastardized and heavily wounded pt 3
At what point did our forefathers went wrong to hand us over these treasures. At what point did they offend us that their hard labors of creating an identity which is African are going drains? At what point did they
Read MoreA culture and tradition bastardized and heavily wounded pt 2
Where will I start to account for the deplorable state of the African vernacular languages that are dying the death of a thousand distinctions. Days before now important books were written in many African vernacular languages and dialects but it
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A culture and tradition bastardized and heavily wounded pt1
TOWARDS THE AFFIRMATION AND RECLAIMING OF AFRICAN VALUES, CULTURE AND TRADITION. The history of culture and tradition has revealed glaringly that any custom or tradition that lacks the zeal for reformatory rites and devoid of a force that wages war
Read MoreThe Igbo Idea of God By Anthony-Claret Onwutalobi
A supersonic glance on this topic brings to mind two salient questions. Does the Ibos have an idea of God? If they do what is he called? I set my face against such notions that theistic thinking came with Christianity
Read MoreThe epoch of redivivus of Igbo heritages: a challenge of Igbo youths today
The glaring thing here is continuity and preservation, but the mega million questions is what do you preserve? why do you do that? The simple answer is you preserve that which is very vital to your living and guarantee authentic
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